Great Bay Community College has an open admissions policy for graduates of approved accredited high schools, homeschool programs, or those individuals that possess a high school equivalency diploma (HiSET or GED). Admission to the college does not necessarily mean admission to all courses or programs.
Students applying for a degree or certificate program must complete the Admissions Application. We highly recommend students submit a copy of their high school transcript or equivalent (GED or HiSET), as they may be used for advising and/or to waive placement testing. Some programs require submittal of a high school transcript as an admissions and/or advising requirement to verify high school-level course pre-requisites. Students are also encouraged to submit official college transcripts for previous courses completed at accredited colleges and universities to be evaluated for placement testing waivers and/or transfer credit. Students who completed college coursework at any of the seven Community College System of NH colleges do not require a transcript to be submitted.
Great Bay Community College does not discriminate in the administration of its admissions and educational programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race; color; religious creed; age; gender; gender identity or expression; national origin; marital status; ancestry; present or past history of intellectual disability, learning disability or physical disability; veteran status; sexual orientation; genetic information or criminal record.