In programs that require the courses listed below, higher level courses within that department may be substituted in fulfillment of degree requirements.
FYE101G |
First Year Seminar |
1-0-1 |
MATH145G * |
Quantitative Reasoning |
4-0-4 |
CIS110G * (or CIS107G*) |
Introduction to Computers (or Essentials of Computer Literacy) |
2-2-3 (or 2-4-4) |
*Based on placement testing scores. Please note: DGMT courses 115G, 135G and 142G may be substituted for CIS 110G (or CIS107G). Please check your program of study. |
Elective Course Information
In addition to the required courses in a student’s program, there may be elective options. Each program offers a unique set of electives, so please refer to each individual program for specific options. The following information provides the categories of electives and selection of elective courses. All academic subject codes and course numbers refer to courses offered only at Great Bay Community College.
Business Elective: Any course with the academic subject code of ACCT, BUS, ECON, HOS, INSR, MKTG, and a course number of at least 100.
English Elective: Any course with the academic subject code of ENGL and a course number of at least 100.
Foreign Language/Humanities Elective/Fine Arts Elective: Any course with the academic subject code of AMER, ARTS, ASL, CRIT150, ENGL (except for ENGL215G), HIST120G, HIST130G, HIST140, HIST150 PHIL, SPAN, FREN, and a course number of at least 100.
Liberal Arts Elective: Any course listed under the categories of English elective, social science elective, foreign language/humanities/fine arts elective, math elective, natural resources elective, or science elective with a course number of at least 100.
Life Science Electives: The following list of life science courses is approved for the Liberal Arts General Biology program. At least two need to be of the 200 level. BIOL110G, BIOL120G, BIOL150G, BIOL160G, BIOL210G, BIOL220G, BIOL230G, BTEC105G, CHEM116G, CHEM205G.
Math Elective: Any course with the academic subject code of MATH or DATA and a course number of at least 100.
Open Elective: Any course that the College offers with a course number of at least 100.
Science Elective: Any course with the academic subject code of BIOL (excluding BIOL200G), BTEC (excluding BTEC205G), CHEM, ESCI, PHYS and a course number of at least 100, and PSYC222G.
Social Science Elective: Any course with the academic subject code of ANTH, ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI, and a course number of at least 100, and CRMJ150G and CRMJ206G.
Technical Elective: Any course designation determined by the program of at least the 100 level