Core Values

Success for Our Students – We are committed to the success of our students by adhering to the highest levels of academic and professional standards. 

Teaching Excellence –We are committed to academic rigor and integrity that assures students a high-quality education that fosters personal and intellectual growth for productive careers and meaningful lives.  

Workplace Culture – We create an environment that continually builds an exceptional community college through shared governance, cross-divisional collaboration, and a commitment to stand together as one college in delivery of our mission.

Creativity and Inquisitiveness – We strive to be a creative and inquisitive community based on the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and discovery.

Community Engagement – We meet our mission and improve as an organization through engagement with others in our broader community. 

Civic Engagement - We promote volunteerism and service learning to foster engaged citizenship by integrating classroom learning with community involvement.

Diversity – We recognize and value diversity in its many forms as a representation of the richness of the human experience. 

Citizenship and Sustainability – We pledge to be socially responsible citizens by adopting best practices that lessen our environmental footprint and lead to a healthier environment for all.